Now that Delhi is hosting the Commonwealth Games,2010 everything is in a deep shit, starting with sub-standard constructions, corruption , hypocritic 'beautification' of the city and what not. A lot has been said (and nothing done) about these issues, one of my friends suggested, after the games the perpetrators must be shot to death.Honestly, I don't care. Guess what.. our monuments are dying a slow death with ASI's futile attempts to protect them, to hell with cannaught place, you want to beautify the city? make shameless insensitive people sit and teach them how to behave. Tell them to throw their shit in the dustbins, tell them the whole city isn't their urinal, to STOP staring at girls and quit passing cheesy comments, now that illiterate, hypocritic bigots have coined the term 'honor killing' , slaughter the rapists and use the same term to explain,tell guys who cannot control themselves and go on touching every women, 'accidently' on the damned street to go home and watch porn instead, tell the women commuters of delhi metro to stop taking undue advantage of their uncalled for rights, tell people to bathe before boarding or wear a deo atleast.Educate them that our monuments are our national heritage, if they don't care where the fuck Shah Jahan buried his wife, tell them not to visit the monument again and for god's sake, let 'em know the monument walls isn't their frigging sketching book and scribble 'I luv u pinky' on pinky's wall.Give lathi men, some guns so they know what they are there for.Do this and Delhi is ready for the games.But alas the probability of Rakhi Sawant becoming a chess champion is higher :(
** My first post with zero levels of exaggeration.
i wud like to applaud u for ths post..smthng i wud wnt to keep reading n wud wnt others to read too...i jus wish,everyone realised ths...
Can i please request you to send this letter to the editor of your local/national newspaper for the "Letters to the editor" section? you might have to cleanse it a bit though ;-)
Sadhana, Thanks :)
Parul didi, I am now considering that, just that cleansing is an issue :D
Lol. Thanks. I'd definitely consider
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