There are some questions in life which remain unanswered, no matter how hard you try , no matter how hard you give yourself into it, and hereby i conclude they shall remain unanswered till eternity , for our lifetimes and for the next 100 generations to come.You feign disinterest, you try the don't-give-it-a-shit theory but everything, alas, turns out to be futile, it keeps coming back to you, over and over, in your dreams, in your sleep, while eating, while drinking, it haunts you, follows you like a shadow, one such question, my dear readers is, why does the microprocessor 8085 has an exceptional S fetch state,with bloody 6 T-states ? By this time, you must be underestimating my plight, but mark my words, its like bermuda triangle, you cannot ever seem to answer the mystery behind. This question has been haunting me, since 6 months now,but it almost seems like haunting me and my ancestors since year 0 of space and time, in all my exams, vivas, theory classes, every freaking time. Vivas are a serious shit in one’s life,this was the only question I ever understood in a viva but sigh I never found the answer out, rest of the questions were alien.This is how my viva goes everytime,
Examiner : What is @#$%^^&*&!@#$%^ *rocket science*
Me : Umm..actually Sir..basically , you know, it's like..ahem..aa..*Can I tell Submarine science?*
Examiner : Forget it. ok tell me what is @#$$$%^&#$%^&**more rocket science**
Me : *Pretending to think reall hard* It just slipped off my tongue..Shit.. Sorry sir K
Examiner : *Smiles shamelessly at our misery * Giving you a look which is deep , says everything.He opens his mouth only to say, 'it's done, leave'.
P.s. I know this is shallow, but since I respect what I write,had to post it. True story.
You are so dramatic! loved the post..more so because I have no idea about 8085..starting me socha pata nahi existence of universe ko question karegi..then suddenly a punch of some random 8085 processor..and ya it was not shallow..please write such stuff down in the heat of the moment every time..this is really funny
Nice one :).
Don't fret over the pracs, been through worse :)
As Mark Twain put it - "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, I said I don't know" ;)
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