I recently read a nice article, it points out how some people are scared to ask questions because of the fear of looking stupid.I have had that fear all my life and when I come to think of it, I feel stupid. I mean aren't you one of them? Asking questions is an awesome habit, you get to know so many things, your learning curve grows and that is the aim, ain't it? ..I've always settled for what was told and suppressed every question that crossed my mind. Anyway, what has happened has happened, next task on the list.. I'd begin to ask questions even if they sound silly or infact, are silly.Tis' graphic from Indexed. Ain't it good ?

so so true.. I learned this in Narayana from my very good friend also named Nikita.. whenever I asked her a question because I could not follow Sir she used to say "puch le".. for the first few times she did it for me and appended it with "Sir Sameera puch rahi hai" but later I could do it myself..Gosh! I miss those days.
Awesome :) I need to work on it now :D
Meh I always have this urge to ask for pplz digits, or msngr ID maybe, errr whats urs then? :P
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