Today as I write this,I am not at peace, I have no idea what would follow.I have chosen a world for myself where I don't fit in, I feel like an early man stuck in the world of technological advancements and revolutions. I need to step back, hold on and surrender myself in the arms of nature. I wish I had all the time in the world, the way Charles Darwin had and found the love of his life and the courage to escape the worldly webs and societal norms and do what I desire.I want to travel to far off places, to distant lands, to ward off this air of shallow existence , to understand what is real, what is beautiful, to that old light-house, I want to watch the oceanic waves dance, I want to live on the beach. I want to drive for miles and feel the wind slapping my face and taste true freedom.All, I ask for is a camera, pen and a paper and well, a million dollars to travel the world.I want to get lost in the woods and capture a volcanic eruption, or a hurricane. There are very few instants when nature allows man to experience and observe the forces that shape our earth, I want to be a witness to such a magnificent event.I want to be a storm chaser ! I want to find peace in worshiping nature,the destroyer and preserver of human race, I want to tell the world that we, as a species stand no-where in this infinite universe.We are like microscopic creatures, which'd fade away like an ant dies an uncertain death.And still, nothing will change. Ours will remain a thoughtless meaningless existence. So 10 things I'd want to do before I die would be
- Serve our nation in whatever way possible.I donno how. Yet.
- Travel the world, as I keep saying, with a camera, pen and a paper
- Study Earth Sciences and chase a storm
- To be able to meditate. Multiple attempts, failed. Has to happen in very near future.
- Live near a water body, river, lake , pond , away from everything and everyone else.
- Learn to use the reverse gear in a car. Yes.Also, learn urdu, violen
- Tell people to shut up, the masses.
- I want to play the Anil kapoor of Nayak, the movie in real ! sigh
And so on, It's not 10 yet.. is it ? Anyway I'd update the list, maybe some other day. What would you like to do before resting in your sarcophagus ?
I leave you with a poem of Sahir Ludhianvi,
Ye mehelon, ye takhton, ye Taajon ki Duniya
Ye Insaan ke dushman samaajon ki duniya
Ye daulat ke bhooke riwaazon ki duniya
ye duniya mil bhi jaaye toh kya hai ?
Har ek jism ghayal, har ek rooh pyaasi,
nigaahon mein uljhan, dilon mein udaasi,
ye duniya hai ya aalam-e-badhawaasi
ye duniya mil bhi jaye toh kya hai?
Yahan ek khilona hai insaan ki hasti
ye basti hai murda praston ki basti
yahan par toh jeevan se hai maut sasti
Ye duniya mil bhi jaye toh kya hai?
I'd really like to travel around the world, visit some awesome museums defo including the Smithsonian air n space meus and ummm become stinking rich, and find answers to some questions that've always haunted me..and oh yes, get into some sort of job that involved analyzing world affairs/ defence and military eval/ strategic conflict mgmt/ history etc.
Woah ! That's a quite a list :)
Interesting and well, the stinking rich part, we share :D
awesome, birds of a feather etc etc :D
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