Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dear Believers,

Wassup? How’s your lord doin’? Pretty great, huh? I guessed. I dropped in to request you guys, to request your god on my behalf to stop givin’ me a hard time or else I’d have to visit some random temple and bribe him and all that related shit, that hurts my atheistic sentiments, more than watching public display of bhakti, loud cacophonous bhajans, tons of money spent on tents, flowers and other useless embellishments for a random god and all this in a country where getting edible food, potable water is a privilege. Can’t it all be settled off the temple without bribing and stuff, after all we’re all followers of Mr. Hazare. No? Also, please tell him, I can’t flatter him, an ideal god shouldn’t buy flattery, what’s up with your god? He’s the master of the universe? The least he can do is, fix brains. And to begin with, he must know, what he wants, from us, the mortals. And clearly communicate this to his followers, so that people know how to get their work done and stop being hypocritical about everything in life. A god, by definition is an ideal man, why would he want to be bribed with material pleasures like money, aren’t you explicitly disrespecting him that way? Why would he want to hear praise songs to listen to you? Why would he want gold statues studded with diamonds and all. Tell him, to get things straight, his followers are confused since centuries now, it’d decrease some randomness in their  your lives, not that my life is any better, but whatever. I respect the idea of a god, totally. One would need hope, an inner strength, an unknown trust on something supreme, something that we cannot touch, talk to, something that has the power to create us and destroy us. Something that’s way beyond the concepts of temples, churches, mosques, priests, religion, flattery et al. Faith, dear believers, is a personal journey, should not be imposed upon. To me, nature is god, we humans, remain an atom, if we consider the infinities of space and time, in the face of mammoth universe. Nature, creates us, and has the power to wipe us out, as a species. The laws of nature, have always left me in an awe, making me feel so small and yet so significant. It has defined beauty, force, strength, hope, belief, faith for me. Your idea of god, I seldom understand. It, very blatantly, crosses the line of rationality. An imaginary dude, governs our actions, thoughts, feelings, emotions and other screw ups, who doesn’t stop people for spending lacs in futile flattery in lieu of helping the needy, who doesn’t make people wise, doesn’t help them evolve over the centuries, this god, I don’t understand. This god, I refuse to respect. I cannot believe a god, who likes to be praised all the freaking time. Also, tell him, to not tell me what to do and what not. Morality should not be imposed by religion, if people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, we are a sorry lot, we’ve failed as a civilisation. Also ask him, to knock some sense into those barbaric shit heads, who kill each other, in the name of a non-existent someone. I’ve written a couple of letters to your version of god, seems he’s mad at me or probably our wavelengths seldom match, he doesn’t like responding? Well, maybe. Please convey my request(s) to him, if he listens to you and tell him, I’m a poor girl, don’t have much to offer. Hope he’s sensitive enough to understand.

An Atheist  


Michael said...

Blasphemy, now watch that meteorite strike you XD But you sound more like an agnostic than an atheist really.

nikita said...

Blasphemy is a victimless crime :)
I keep switching between the two :D

Michael said...

You can tell that to the meteorite when it strikes you, its out there lurking in some alley am sure, waiting to leap out and hit you between the eyes to make you repent your heathen ways :P

nikita said...

Lol, I have no readers, still safe :D