So how old are you now? I just realised a while ago that you’ve freaking turned old! I write because there are things I always wanted to tell you. To begin with, welcome to the big, bad, tattered world. But do not waste your life crying about it, you must acknowledge the fact and embrace it. Don’t give a shit about pleasing people, they’ll hate you, try to pull you down anyway. Always remember, the day you start caring about what people think of you, you become people. Judge no one, its none of your business and never be affected by someone else’s judgement. Soon, nobody will be after your life to tell you to do this and do that and wake up at this time and don’t sleep at such an ungodly hour, nobody will tell you what to wear(well, they will) and how to talk and what to do with your life. That day, you’d have to choose the right from the wrong, the white from the black. You’d have to choose what you want to do with your life, you’d have to unlearn many things that were taught to you and redefine many many things. That kind of independence would be scary. You might as well have to leave the home behind, and you must know, when you leave even for the happiest place in the world, you’d leave a part of your soul behind. There are things which cannot be replaced. There are voids which cannot be filled. You’d always want to come back home. I wanted to tell you that there is a world beyond the cocoon you’re living in, you might as well do justice to your life and try and make it a better place to live in. Always be grateful for the kind of life you’re living, very few have had the privilege to get what you’ve got, and don’t fool yourself into believing that you deserved any of it. Be strong but don’t be too proud of it, you’ll be strong because you’d have no choice. The trifles you ignore today, would be worth a million a few years from now, you don’t want to regret. Do you? Don’t pay heed to pretence, false praises and honest promises. Don’t make space for negative people, or those who hurt you. Don’t be inveigled by flattery. I do not ask you to win a race, but at least finish somewhere, don’t keep the ends hanging in the mid of nowhere. Your life will oscillate in crests and troughs and you’d be thrown from one pillar of insanity to the other, please know that, it’s all natural and that’s how it’s all designed. And slap anybody who asks you to repair their TV sets after learning the fact that you’re an engineer! Respect people irrespective of their age and gender. I want to tell you that I’d be there to cushion your every fall only if you rise up every time, stronger. And remember wacky hairdo, funky accessories, mocking the different, twisting the tongue, talking in an unnatural accent, spelling words wrong, or riting lyk dis doesn’t make anybody cool. Today, you grow an year older, let your soul grow as well. I wrote to you to tell you that whenever you walk out of that home, tell the world that you were raised well. Make us all proud and don’t chase what shines the most.
A Very Happy Birthday.
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