Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

An open letter to Lord Rama

Dear Lord Rama,

SadarCharan Sparsh. I don’t know, where, at this instant in space and time, you are and in what avatar, as they say. Honestly, I care about the pink unicorn that some random girl in some random part of Japan is thinking about right now, more. But, what the hell. I write to you expecting, you’d resolve my doubts because you’re the god. Yes, it’s about the ‘Ramayana’. So the entire drama started when a random innocuous woman called Surpanakha who happened to be Sir Ravana’s beloved sister, apparently fell in love with you and was harmlessly flirting with you, how do you explain slaying her nose off, isn’t that, dear god, a misuse of powers ? Because as far as I know, gods are ideal. So Anyway, as an unfortunate consequence, this dude called Ravana abducted your wife to take revenge. C’mon you cannot deny it, Surpanakha was a harmless nymph, isn’t what you did to her was an over-reaction? Unfair, is the word. Anyway, I have this huge respect for Sir Ravana for he took great care of your wife and respected her. And after all this drama, when she’s finally released, you make her go through the freaking ‘Agnipariksha’ ? Seriously? What got into you? Weren’t you supposed to be a god? Is this a god-like deed? No. That is not even human, sir. I’ve never seen such a blatant display of hypocrisy wrapped in delusion and irrationality. Your deed, dear god, was lowly and disgusts the hell out of me. You disrespected a woman, objectified her and reasoned it on flimsy grounds. Ask a 5-year old and he’ll tell you how immoral you were. Or as @thesomisetty says here maybe you were meant to be a villain and we’ve been mis-interpreting the entire plot altogether for centuries now. In the end, Ravana emerges as a true hero but sadly, dies a cruel death. You know what bothers me? That although you are a character of figment , you are defined as a god. Everything you do, is by definition, correct. Your heinous act of discrimination, sexism and upright disrespect for Sita, is considered right, in the eyes of your believers. And let’s face it, both of us know, how these believers ape things and never feel the need of questioning things. I now know why we live in a society where women, still have to fight for their rights and fall prey to shit-heads to no justice and respect, even after thousands of years of civilisation we haven’t grown any bit. You’ve set a bad example for the society and honestly, you’re not even remotely, god-like. I respect Rakhi Sawant, more. Also,no offense.

An Atheist/Agnostic

Dear Readers, you may begin to shower me with hate mails for my blasphemy. But remember, it is a victimless crime.

P.S. It is an epic and nothing till date is written as brilliantly as The Ramayana and the Mahabharat. I’m a huge fan of Valmiki.
P.P.S It, obviously is a fiction but people think otherwise thus, the Kolaveri Di :P
P.P.P.S If you're wondering, No, Rama didn't slay Surpanakha's nose.Lakshman did. Rama didn't oppose. Lakshman wasn't punished for his act either. 


Somisetty said...

"Everything you do, is by definition, correct." can't be said better.

Divya said...

Amazing as always!
The line about how believers ape without thinking and questioning is absolutely true..

Ps- did you know that Ram also killed a shudra because he dared to read the vedas..?
It's amazing how much gods can get away with.. Kinda makes me wonder if politicians are the descendents of these gods.

Pps- forward all hate mails to me, I'll do my best to drive the writers crazy :P :D

Michael said...

@ Divya, nah, sounds implausible considering Valmiki's Ramayna was written a considerable time before Manu's caste system thingy.

Knew a lady back in India who was doing a PhD thesis on Ravana, of all things! Buggered if I remember the details of course.