Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, here I am writing my first blog, wanting to do this since 48 weeks and 65 hours (Ok,that was random) Who inspired me ? This guy SG , all he told me is "start blogging" and after reading his blogs for 4.34 hours (not exaggerated) I'm quite influenced by his overall personality,he dares to dare.Dares to dream(which although rendered him jobless) and started up his own company (which doesn't earn :|) but the vision he has, his clarity of thought , and THAT clarity in his words.I couldn't figure out yet what was that,that kept me going, that one thing which made me read it all.Perhaps, the honesty? This guy is one helluva difficult person ( as I perceive, which may not be true for others), intimidating,blatantly honest (Yes, i'm still praising).
I chose to write blogs for certain reasons :
1. I can write.
2. As a measure to instill positivity in me, lets see.
3. To interact with masses.
4. To enhance my vocab (3 minutes back, I could not spell this word 'perceive' , horrifying ! )
5. To get rid of the SMS lingos , and thereby disrespecting literature (I like exaggeration :D)
6. And Yes, i can write :)

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