Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Changing the sock thingy

All my life I silently felt the whole cleanliness thing is futile and a lot more hardwork  and fairly troublesome.Imagine getting up and taking shower every day, every single day, washing hands before and after meals,I mean viruses are smart they have other routes to the host's body.. and n number of such  tiring tasks.I could never understand why would one have to change socks everyday? they're such harmless commodities, at the most they'd stink, what were deos invented for? you don't have to go through the whole 'changing the sock everyday' thingy.And why do we have to match 'em with its exact pair, can't we pick up 2 random socks of differing size and color and just pair them up and wear? I mean as long as you're an atheist (don't visit a temple) and not a scientist , why would it matter? And why would you freaking bathe everyday? Once I convinced my mother that bathing changes the pH of the body :D and I saved myself for a day, but alas my father knows science :| . So the point is, I had this ideology for 20 years now,till today. I got up and smelt like a rotten egg. And 3 layers of clothing on my body smelt like a government hospital.And I looked like Sunil Shetty. That was it, the moment when I decided to change my clothes everyday.May god be with me for this noble cause.The new year resolution.

No, not drunk

Its a new year!

Some 3 streets from my place, lives a samosa wala and his family, I was in the rajai and I had no idea, what instant of time it was in the universe, the next moment I hear very very loud music, I almost came back to life only to realise it was the song 'mere angne mein tumhara kya kaam hai....bla bla' turns out they were celebrating the new year.. dudeee I mean, are you ..THIS song ?  and the world around me was all into crackers and the facebook statuses read 'hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaappppppyyyyyyyy nnnnneeeeewwwwwww yyyyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaarr' I now know why my lil sister cant spell words like 'assassination'.Why are my fellow earthlings so 'oh-my-god' 'oh-my-god' kinds.
Anyway, Happy new year !


Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Truth Lied..

T’ was y’day itself, when we were so close, I could hear your heart beat, I could feel your breath.. I forgot the world in your arms, I’d lost myself in your eyes. It felt like we’ll stay that way forever, .. where then, in the folds of life ,did I lose you.. lose you forever.  I no more can feel your gentle touch, I’ve forgotten that warmth we shared, my limbs are cold, turning numb..my frozen fingers seldom move, the glitter in my eyes by your presence is lost forever, they’re pale now. I saw my entire life in your eyes, why then, did the truth lie? Why then, did your eyes betray? I’ve forgotten how it was like to love you, how it felt like when you were around, it is like forgetting the fragrance of flowers, the beauty of sun rise, the childhood bliss, the twinkling of stars. Why then, does the sun set? Why then, the twinkling of stars is just another illusion ? Why, Why does the truth lie ?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Open letter to Guys

All my life I enjoyed the 'female jokes' , how irrational and dumb creatures they are,  how shallow and stupid they can be, all this and more, is now a universally accepted fact and no more funny. So much so, I, the female even joined you when you hypocritically described how hypocrite women are. Did you ever care about the 'brain' part of the 'beauty with brains' crap ? Swear on your shorts, you ever did. Don’t you always fall for dumb girls? Did you ever care what women talk? swear on your favourite soccer team, you ever did. What makes you think you're cool ? just the fact that no one sexually assaults you at 3 in the night and you can hang out anytime you like, just because no one stops you to booze anywhere you like, just because you bunk abscond from classes for no apparent reason, makes you cool? You really think so? Do you ? Get off the I-dont-care-how-my-hair-looks thingy,the world knows you freaking do.I abhor doin’ this O’ guy, step down on your female jokes and hypocricy lest thou shall see the wrath. I mean c’mon man, cracking redundant clichéd jokes doesn’t make you feel like a moron, it doesn’t? Holy shit. Even an embryo, chuck that, even our professors would know women are hyperactive creatures, irrational, bad drivers, sadists and oh-my-god-I’m-so-cute kinds. Why on earth do you have to talk about it over and over and over (theres a reason for repeating it, and you know it). Dude, get over it. It is not humor any more. And get back to wasting your life playing the dude, who cares?

p.s. I respect the word 'bunk'.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Mystery

There are some questions in life which remain unanswered, no matter how hard you try , no matter how hard you give yourself into it, and hereby i conclude they shall remain unanswered till eternity , for our lifetimes and for the next 100 generations to come.You feign disinterest, you try the don't-give-it-a-shit theory but everything, alas, turns out to be futile, it keeps coming back to you, over and over, in your dreams, in your sleep, while eating, while drinking, it haunts you, follows you like a shadow, one such question, my dear readers is, why does the microprocessor 8085 has an exceptional S fetch state,with bloody 6 T-states ? By this time, you must be underestimating my plight, but mark my words, its like bermuda triangle, you cannot ever seem to answer the mystery behind. This question has been haunting me, since 6 months now,but it almost seems like haunting me and my ancestors since year 0 of space and time, in all my exams, vivas, theory classes, every freaking time. Vivas are a serious shit in one’s life,this was the only question I ever understood in a viva but sigh I never found the answer out, rest of the questions were alien.This is how my viva goes everytime,

Examiner : What is @#$%^^&*&!@#$%^ *rocket science*
Me : Umm..actually Sir..basically , you know, it's like..ahem..aa..*Can I tell Submarine science?*
Examiner : Forget it. ok tell me what is @#$$$%^&#$%^&**more rocket science**
Me :  *Pretending to think reall hard* It just slipped off my tongue..Shit.. Sorry sir K
Examiner : *Smiles  shamelessly at our misery * Giving you a look which is deep , says everything.He opens his mouth only to say, 'it's done, leave'.

P.s. I know this is shallow, but since I respect what I write,had to post it. True story.