Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A happy new year, indeed!

Hello cool people, what’s up?  Managed to break in to the Rashtrapati Bhavan, yet? No? Sad.  I prayed the lord that you could, because that’d have solved a lot of problems but anyway, moving on because that’s what we’re best at, what are your plans for the new year’s eve?  So probably on the first day of the new year, you wouldn’t remember where you passed out the last night, so cool. I laughed at Mr Mukherjee’s comments and laughed a little harder when I heard people/women are offended, some demanded his resignation, I couldn’t care less. I see people outraging about a certain x and then another lot outraging about why we aren’t outraging about a certain y. Then I see another class of men, who are offended by the whole blame-the-men thing and yet another, a large majority blaming the government, boiling their bloods for the PM’s aberrant silence. We are all very sad and very angry at we don’t know who, we just don’t know how to vent it out. I was ashamed to see people who claimed that they are ashamed to be Indians, I don’t know what to tell them, the problem is us, ain’t it? Anyway, I don’t care, I have had enough, I’ve read and seen enough. I’m sure you’re exhausted too. There’s nothing that can bring her back or can reduce the pain. Also, I read something about boycotting the republic day? Exactly what, the part where we get up late and ask, is it the independence or the republic day? Or the part where we just don’t care at all, after all it’s just another freaking holiday. I’m not sure how are we going about boycotting this thing, help, maybe? I know how we don’t caste votes and boycott the whole election thing saying, it’s all futile, everybody is the same, so on and so forth but not sure how to boycott the republic day. We all have our solutions, don’t we and so comfortably we fool ourselves that it’s the right one but sit back, chill the fuck up and respect the nation that raised you, respect the land you live on. It’s too easy to outrage and be angry at any and everything, we all share the same pain, same agony, all of us have suffered a loss, of faith, of humanity. I know even the death of rapists will not bring peace to her soul or her family’s, it may quench our souls to switch our attention to the next big thing, but the tear will remain on the face of eternity. Again, what were your new year plans? A happy new year, indeed.

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