Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The college crowd

Past one week, life's been monotonously eventful, college re-opened :| same old drama begins ; classes, attendance, technically incompetent lecturers, their egos, students flaunting their 'cool' factor, pseudo university rules to mint money, insignificant details..Of all the odds, the one which annoys me the most is the fact that people still have unevolved wits.I don't understand their preposterous attempts of proclaiming the world that they're finally 'adults' by disrespecting our already 'on-the-verge-of-depression' faculty, I mean Can't I expect sense out of a 20 year old chap? Is it too much to ask for? Lemme enlighten you more, dear reader. Categories of college girls-

1. The indifferent- Characterized by Random smiles, misplaced hi's, usual teacher bitching and over excitement so much so that it looks as if the universe is gonna enter the 'big-crunch' in the very next nano second.Some in this category, are rumor creators, others spread..some, you can see are on their way to attain 'aunty-hood'
2. The make-up kit- Yes, I'm still talking about the girl types, they're always making visible efforts of figuring out in the mid of a lecture,before and after the lecture, if their kajal, nail paint, eye liner, eye shadow, hidden dark circles, cryptic accessories, religious 3 hour devotion to their 'out of the bed' look is well in place.Oh did I forget to mention, they'd tell every girl in vicinity that how ugly the girl's eyebrow looks, how bushy her hands are, in extreme cases they'll tell you how ugly your liver is (don't be surprised) or probably kidney.
3. The front benchers - No matter what, they can kill anyone for that seat; even rain, wind, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods,cyclones,earthquakes cannot move them.They keep a note of submission dates,deadlines, faculty cabin numbers, every little 'if' 'an' 'the' 'is' of the teacher's speech (who most of the times are linguistically challenged) , the color of the lab file covering sheet prescribed by the teacher, no really..once a girl woke me up at 3 am to ask what color is the file cover supposed to be- purple or orange and the worst part, she wasn't kidding. (True story)
4. The guy's girl - Day and night she'll burn you to death talking about her relationship, the guy, how he purchased her a heart shaped key-ring, and candies and shit.. she'll talk about the color pink, the term 'love', what she talked to him over phone, what she didn't, what she wanted to but the poor guy couldn't understand just by the looks of it, she'd talk about how she got hurt when the guy couldn't understand her subtle hints when she wanted to have strawberry blush at CCD and didn't want to state it explicitly and the guy couldn't figure out that she was angry.
(Please note I maybe hypo critical about this point)
5. The geek - They're rare, I usually like their sense of humor.
6. The bold and the beautiful - Yes, I'm generalizing , I don't care much. They usually do not talk to the masses, flaunt attitude..Do not interfere in other's businesses (I like this) and often they turn out to be Delhi girls. I don't have much against them as far as they do not contribute to the ever growing crowd in the Delhi metro.

Now about the guys, theres only one category

The jerks - As in, the majority (yes, offence)
There are other kinds too who play chess, talk sense, have an high IQ, fall for dumb girls, do not wear floral shirts and tees(floral) to college, who hate embroidered shirts, have a good sense of humor. I make myself believe they exist, haven't come across one. sigh.

What category do/did you fall in?

Note : The views are entirely personal and any resemblance to any person living is solely intentional and non-coincidental.


Blah Blah said...


Michael said...

Well, I fluctuated between being the class clown and the phantom (14 lectures attended in a year, that sort of thing)

sadhana said...

hey hi!stumbled across ur blog..cudnt help commenting... i liked reading this post..very apt descriptions..the first benchers!!u explained the categories so well!! we all hve such ppl around us..n the one for guys..hi5 on tht!! u got it accurately!..made a very entertaining read..

nikita said...

@ Michael : Noicee.. :D

@ Sadhana : Thanks :)