Once upon a time, civilization fucked mankind, just a victim.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Open letter to Guys

All my life I enjoyed the 'female jokes' , how irrational and dumb creatures they are,  how shallow and stupid they can be, all this and more, is now a universally accepted fact and no more funny. So much so, I, the female even joined you when you hypocritically described how hypocrite women are. Did you ever care about the 'brain' part of the 'beauty with brains' crap ? Swear on your shorts, you ever did. Don’t you always fall for dumb girls? Did you ever care what women talk? swear on your favourite soccer team, you ever did. What makes you think you're cool ? just the fact that no one sexually assaults you at 3 in the night and you can hang out anytime you like, just because no one stops you to booze anywhere you like, just because you bunk abscond from classes for no apparent reason, makes you cool? You really think so? Do you ? Get off the I-dont-care-how-my-hair-looks thingy,the world knows you freaking do.I abhor doin’ this O’ guy, step down on your female jokes and hypocricy lest thou shall see the wrath. I mean c’mon man, cracking redundant clichéd jokes doesn’t make you feel like a moron, it doesn’t? Holy shit. Even an embryo, chuck that, even our professors would know women are hyperactive creatures, irrational, bad drivers, sadists and oh-my-god-I’m-so-cute kinds. Why on earth do you have to talk about it over and over and over (theres a reason for repeating it, and you know it). Dude, get over it. It is not humor any more. And get back to wasting your life playing the dude, who cares?

p.s. I respect the word 'bunk'.


Michael said...

Meh, plenty of "male" jokes aroun' as well, nothing insidiuous, no deep seated malice or anythin, just gotta take a joke like a joke is all, in my humble opinion n all, cheers

Somisetty said...

girls are clingy and guys are hypocrites stereotypically. So it is a lose lose situation.\/

sadhana said...

u r an amazing writer..!

nikita said...

@ Michael , re-read the post. Theres an expiry date with a joke. And guys are hypocrites. Nothing personal.

@ Sameera, bingo.
@sadhana, thanks :)